


Excavating & Horizontal Directional Drilling

We have the tools and machines necessary for all your digging needs. We specialize in digging trenches and directional drilling for underground utilities. Providing a wide variety of services from site lighting to large concrete duct bank installation projects, or installing a variety of conduit/cable packages via HDD, SN Contracting is up for the job. We also provide many services that fall under the scope of getting utilities from point A to B such as excavation and installation of vaults and manholes, pull boxes, and any necessary relocation of utilities.


Plumbing and Mechanical

We provide the excavation for any plumbing and mechanical needs. We will dig and grade the ditch to the necessary fall for plumbers to install their pipe. If the pipe is heavy and needs to be rigged and lowered into a ditch SN Contracting can provide the means and methods. We can also excavate and install drain tile and other water dispersement strategies.



Snow Removal

When the winter season comes around, we can provide all your snow removal needs. We have snow blowers, trucks with V-Plows, skid loaders with snow removal attachments, and rubber tire backhoes ready to push and remove snow. We have the ability to haul snow away from your property as well.


SN Contracting can excavate for, and install, many different platforms needed to complete the job. We can install quazite boxes, pull boxes, vaults, and man holes. We also can build and pour concrete transformer or generator pads as well as light pole bases of any size.



We have many years of experience working with electricians to install anything from fiber optic lines to primary power sources. Our forte is excavating trenches for power and communication lines to run through, but we also can provide the installation of duct or pipe necessary to furnish the utilities needed.



We provide services for the installation of site lighting, low voltage underground power lines, power duct banks of any size, and underground power sources inside buildings. We have many methods of providing these services including excavating, trenching, or directional drilling.


Just like anything we can do with power and electrical, we can do it all for communication lines as well. We can do anything from directional drilling communication utilities to digging and installing communication duct banks.